UK 9/11 Family Member Wants Answers

9/11 UK Victim Family Member challenges Official Narrative to US Ambassador (& President Obama)  

London – 10th March 2014: today announced that a letter was sent to US Ambassador Matthew W. Barzun by 9/11 UK victim family member Matt Campbell challenging the official US narrative of 9/11. The letter set out serious omissions and distortions of the 9/11 Commission Report which casts massive doubt over the veracity of the official narrative. A copy of the letter was also sent to President Obama.

Matt Campbell lost his brother Geoff Campbell (31) on September 11th 2001. He has spoken with senior police, counter terrorism officers and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office over his concerns surrounding the official narrative of the events of 9/11, especially the 9/11 Commission Report, which in the words of the 9/11 Commission Chairman Kean and Vice-Chairman Hamilton was ‘delayed, underfunded and set up to fail’. That coupled with the incredible omission of not mentioning, let alone investigating, the third skyscraper to collapse that day (WTC Building 7; a steel framed, 47 storey building, not hit by a plane, suffering ‘office furnishing fires’ collapsed in free-fall (for 2.25 seconds) symmetrically into its own footprint) are some of the reasons Matt wants a new investigation.
Peter Drew, UK representative of Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth ( said “Our work at AE911Truth is dedicated to the victims, families and all others throughout the world affected by the tragic events of September 11, 2001 and its aftermath. We are a non-partisan association of architects, engineers, and affiliates. We fully support Matt in his campaign to get 9/11 reinvestigated. Our mission is to research, compile, and disseminate scientific evidence relative to the destruction of the three World Trade Centre 
calling for a truly open and independent investigation and supporting others in the
pursuit of justice.”
The American Authorities were quick to blame the attacks on Osama Bin Laden and
Al-Qaeda, which provided the pretext and garnered international support for the war
in Afghanistan, however as Rex Tomb, Chief of Investigative Publicity for the FBI said
in June 2006, ‘the FBI has found no hard evidence linking Usama Bin Laden with the
9/11 Attacks’.
Ian Henshall, UK based expert and best-selling author of “911:The New Evidence”
(pub Constable 2007) said: “Many experts including people involved in the official US
government inquiry, have now expressed their doubts about the official narrative. 9/11
Commissioner Max Cleland resigned, calling Washington's official 9/11 investigation
a "whitewash" and a "scandal"”
The US Ambassador, as the highest representative of the US Authorities in the UK
has been asked a number of questions relating to the distortions, omissions and
anomalies in the official 9/11 narrative. Matt Campbell is waiting for his answers.
Reinvestigate911 ( was founded by ex-MI5 officer Annie
Machon, Ian Henshall and others. Its aims are to seek a new independent inquiry into the events
of 9/11. To be fully effective this inquiry should be entirely independent with the right to call
any witness and hear them on oath, and to demand full and immediate disclosure of all relevant
It should cover both the events of the day and the intelligence failures that we now know
effectively cleared a path for the alleged 9/11 hijackers.
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth is a non-profit
non-partisan organization of architects, engineers and affiliates dedicated to exposing the falsehoods and to revealing facts about the complete destruction of all three World Trade
Centre high-rises on September 11, 2001.
Our organization is devoted to:
■ Dispelling misinformation and disinformation with scientific facts and forensic evidence
■ Educating and motivating thousands of architects and engineers as well as the public at large
■ Obtaining a truly independent WTC investigation with subpoena power
■ Achieving mainstream media coverage for our cause.
Matt Campbell lost his brother Geoff (31) on September 11th 2001. His brother had his Inquest held in January 2013; the Coroner’s narrative conclusion was based on speculation and the unchallenged US narrative. Matt is now campaigning to have Geoff’s Inquest reopened due to new evidence and insufficiency of inquiry. Matt wants a new independent investigation into 9/11 to be held, preferably one mandated by the UN General Assembly